Featured Hotels


Coming from out of town? We've worked out deals with a few local hotels to help make your stay in Kansas City a little more comfortable. Please consider staying out one of our local featured hotels near the event.

Courtyard by Marriott Kansas City

$153 USD/night

(must be reserved by May 9th to get this rate)

4600 JC Nichols Parkway
Kansas City, Missouri
(816) 285-9755

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Courtyard by Marriott Kansas City

Holiday Inn Country Club Plaza

$129 USD/night

(must reserve by May 1st to get group rate)

One East 45th Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
(866) 280-6326

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Holiday Inn Country Club Plaza

Sheraton Suites Country Club Plaza

$149 USD/night

(must be booked by May 17th to get discounted rate)

770 West 47th Street
Kansas City, MO 64112
(816) 931-4400

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Sheraton Suites, Country Club Plaza